Update 5: Addictive Patterns


first, we want to tell you that finally overcome the greyboxing phase and overworked the graphics for our game. Tell us what you think about our new artstyle!

So this week is about Game Design Patterns that will keep the player addicted... We mean motivated, of course!

We decided to include five different elements:

Timer: Everybody loves time pressure! That's probably something not everyone would say, but for video games they add a special layer of challenge. Players need to make fast decisions, which creates more intensity for the gameplay, which especially works well with racing games. 

Highscore: They provide a benchmark for players to measure their performance and  can create a sense of competition among players, as they strive to achieve the highest score and beat their peers. For Fall into Blue we plan to make a high score that is based on the timer element. But maybe we add some sort of multiplier that, for example, takes the duration of high player velocity into account so the player is motivated to ride fast. 

Increasing Skill: When a game becomes progressively more challenging, it keeps players motivated and engaged, as they feel a sense of accomplishment when they overcome each obstacle. For Fall into Blue we plan to include more obstacles into the level and a faster gameplay to increase the difficulty.

Level System: A level system makes it very easy for us to implement the increasing difficulty, through different levels. Also the player can track their progress which will add an extra target.

Mystery: ?

We hope you like our ideas. If you have any feedback, just let us know in the comment section.


Sebastian+7 h 41 h
Ronja+6 h 31 h

Get Fall into Blue

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