Week 1: Getting Started

Hello there!

You are a ball! No, we are not calling you obese, this is just our game. You are a ball roaming through space and accelerate downhill to jump off into the blue sky. We just started the development of this project as it is part of our "Games"-lecture by Prof. Berkling held at DHBW Karlsruhe. All of this will happen in collaboration with Music College Karlsruhe, which will hopefully provide you with some great background music.

So this week, we started to work on our new game, ''Fall into Blue''.

The game is heavily inspired by a some mobile games, where you play a character that is riding hills, through accelerating down hill in order to gain some air time. The idea now is to get as fast as possible, so that you could really fall into the blue sky.

First, we decided on a Tech stack around Unity3D and OpenXR.  But since we are developing with a Meta Quest 2 headset, there will also be a standalone android version of the game.

So the goal for this week was to create some very basic Proof of Concept. Easier said than done, because of the difficult physic system and the mind-bending vector geometry. 

Luckily, we get some nice results, that we want to improve over the next weeks. Down below, you see an early image of our first prototyping.

If you have any ideas or feedback, please let us know!



Sebastian7 h

Get Fall into Blue


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Your Game is a great Idea and I love that you dared to create a VR game - though I must say what @Konti08 already has already said:
Are you sure this is gonna be playable for an extended amout of time? I have personaly played a lot of VR Games where you move a lot and quickly, for example like Echo VR (Rest in Peace) and after multiple rounds you realy feel dizzy. Other than that I am realy exited to try your Game out!

Daniel ~ Tank-Game


I really like the concept of the game and that u want to create an VR Version. Really looking forward to trying it :D

- Classic Games Corp.


Hi fall-into-blue Dev-Team,

First of all we think the concept of playing as a ball and jumping into the sky has potential, especially when playing in VR (maybe too much potential for a weak stomach 😂).

We think that it your plan to continue focus on refining the game's physics system and vector geometry is the right decision, as these aspects are critical for a smooth and engaging gameplay experience.

Additionally, it might be cool to consider incorporating more unique gameplay elements or power-ups to keep the game exciting and dynamic for players 😊.
We look forward to seeing how the game develops over time!

Yours Aetherea Dev-Team